Join our Star Points Loyalty Program and watch the rewards unfold with every purchase! Collect points with each order and unlock exclusive discounts and perks, turning your shopping into a spellbinding experience.
Sign up for free today and start gathering the magic. Your next adventure is just a few points away!
What is the Lilac & Luna Star Points Loyalty Program?
Our Star Points Loyalty Program is a way to reward you for shopping with us! Earn points for every purchase, referrals, and other actions, then redeem them for exclusive discounts and rewards.
How do I sign up for the rewards program?
It’s easy! Simply create an account on our website, and you’ll automatically be enrolled in the Lilac & Luna Star Points Loyalty Program.
How do I earn Star Points?
You can earn points by:
Making purchases
Referring friends
Following us on social media
How many points do I earn per purchase?
For every $1 spent, you’ll earn 10 points!
How do I redeem my points?
Once you've collected enough Star Points, you can redeem them for discounts at checkout. Simply log into your account, and your available rewards will show up as an option during the payment process.
What rewards can I get with my points?
You can use your Star Points for:
$5 off for 500 points
$10 off for 1,000 points
$20 off for 2,000 points
Check back often as we add new rewards!
Can I combine rewards with other discounts or promotions?
Rewards cannot be combined with other discount codes or promotional offers, but you can always use your points on a future purchase.
How does the referral program work?
Refer your friends to us, and when they make their first purchase of $25 or more, they'll receive $5 off! As a thank you for sharing the love, you'll earn $5 off your next purchase of $20 or more. It’s our way of thanking you for spreading the magic.
Is there a limit to how many points I can earn?
There’s no limit to how many points you can earn! Keep shopping, referring, and engaging with us to rack up as many Star Points as you can.
What happens to my points if I return or cancel an order?
If you return or cancel an order, the points earned from that purchase will be deducted from your account.
What do I do if I have more questions about the loyalty program?
If you have any questions or need help with the Lilac & Luna Star Points Loyalty Program, feel free to reach out to us here. We’re happy to assist and make sure you get the most out of your rewards!
Joining our rewards program at Lilac & Luna is your ticket to a world of exclusive benefits! Earn points on every purchase, unlocking special discounts and offers as you shop. Whether you’re treating yourself to our latest stickers or sharing the magic with friends, your loyalty will always be rewarded.